Thank you to all participants and guests!
Looking forward to see you there!
We are delighted to invite you to Lisbon, Portugal for the GeoENV 2016, the 11th International Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Application Conference from 6-8 July 2016.
GeoENV conferences have been held biennially at venues across Europe. The first conference was held in Lisbon in 1996 with the aim of bringing together researchers working on environmental subjects approached by geostatistical methods. At that time, papers were attracted from fields as diverse as hydrogeology, biology, soil sciences, air pollution or ecology.
Since then, research on these fields has expanded and new fields have emerged. Today, GeoENV conferences have become a leading forum for scientists across a broad range of disciplines to share their experiences on the application of geostatistics to environmental problems.
During the GeoENV 2016, twenty years after the first conference, we aim to bring together scientists, researchers and research scholars to share contributions on recent or new developments or applications in various disciplines focused in the solution of environmental problems using geostatistical methods.
It's Happening
Local Organizing Committee

Maria João
is an Associate Professor at Técnico/U.Lisboa. She conducts research on geostatistics and modelling uncertainty assessment. She is currently President of CERENA and Co-coordinator of the Master in Petroleum Engineering. Author of about 70 peer-reviewed papers and conference proceedings.


Maria João

Castro Ribeiro
Members From GeoEnvia


Scientific Committee
Alfred Stein – University of Twente, Netherlands
Ana Horta – Charles Sturt University, Australia
Ana Militino – Public University of Navarre, Spain
Ana Cristina Costa – NOVA Information Management School, Portugal
Carla Nunes – Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
Chantal de Fouquet – Ecole des Mines de Paris – MINES ParisTech, France
Chris Lloyd – University of Liverpool, UK
Denis Allard – INRA, Avignon, France
Dimitri D’Or – Ephesia Consult, Belgium
Edzer Pebesma – University of Muenster, Germany
Gerard Heuvelink – Wageningen University and ISRIC World Soil Information, Netherlands
Gregoire Mariethoz – University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Hans Wackernagel – MINES ParisTech – PSL Research University, France
Harrie-Jan Hendricks-Franssen – Forschungszentrum Julich GmbH, Germany
Hélène Demougeot-Renard – eOde Sàrl, Switzerland
Jaime Gómez-Hernández – Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
Jef Caers – Stanford University, United States
Jesus Carrera – IDAEA, CSIC, Spain
Jorge Mateu – University Jaume I of Castellon, Spain
Jorge Sousa – CERENA, IST, Portugal
José Almeida – FCT Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal
Julian Ortiz – Universidad de Chile, Chile
Liliane Bel – AgroParisTech, France
Mikhail Kanevski – IDYST, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Nicolas Jeannée – Geovariances, France
Patric Bogaert – Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Peter Atkinson – University of Lancaster, UK
Phaedon Kyriakidis – Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
Philippe Renard – University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Pierre Goovaerts – BioMedware, Inc, United States
Rachid Ababou – Institut de Mecanique des Fluides de Toulouse (IMFT), France
Raquel Menezes – Universidade of Minho, Portugal
Thomas Romary – Mines ParisTech, France
Vasily Demyanov – Heriot-Watt University, UK
Werner G. Mueller – JKU Linz, Austria
Lisboa is waiting for you!
Keynote Speakers

Sean McKenna is the Senior Research Manager for Constrained Resources and Environmental Analytics at IBM Research – Ireland. He leads a team of scientists and engineers in developing solutions for water resources management, environmental modeling and long-term monitoring. Dr. McKenna’s research interests include parameter estimation in heterogeneous fields, spatial-temporal anomaly detection and modeling the connections between environmental and infrastructure systems. Prior to joining IBM Research, he was a Senior Scientist at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Dr. McKenna is the 2016 International Association of Mathematical Geosciences (IAMG) Distinguished Lecturer.

Mohan (“Mo”) Srivastava is one of the recognized experts in the application of statistical methods to earth science problems, and the organizer of the 1995 ASTM Symposium on Geostatistics for Environmental and Geotechnical Applications, the conference which inspired the geoENV series.
Mo is an author of An Introduction to Applied Geostatistics, an introductory textbook on the practice of geostatistics, and of more than 100 technical articles and reports on the theory and practice of geostatistics. He has a B.Sc. in Earth Sciences from M.I.T. and a M.Sc. degree in Geostatistics from Stanford University. In addition to applying geostatistics to mining and petroleum studies, Mo’s contributions have included environmental, agricultural and epidemiological studies, as well as animal population estimates and analysis of climate change data. He has served as an expert witness in cases involving soils and sea-floor sediments contaminated by industrial activity.

Dario Grana is currently assistant professor in Geology and Geophysics at the University of Wyoming. He received a MS in Mathematics at University of Pavia (Italy) in 2005, a MS in Applied Mathematics at University of Milano Bicocca (Italy) in 2006, and a Ph.D. in Geophysics at Stanford University, in 2013. He worked four years at Eni Exploration and Production in Milan, before joining the University of Wyoming in 2013. His main research interests are rock physics, seismic reservoir characterization, geostatistics and inverse problems for subsurface modeling. He is coauthor of the book Seismic Reflections of Rock Properties, published by Cambridge University Press.
The conference is focused on geostatistics and we welcome contributions related to new developments or applications to various fields, including for instance:
Key Dates
September 30, 2015
Opening of Online Abstract Submission
February 10, 2016 (extended)
Abstract Submission Deadline
December 31, 2015
January 31, 2016
March 18, 2016
Notification of Abstract Acceptance
April 30, 2016
Last Day Early Bird Registration
May 15, 2016
Deadline for Author Registration
Deadline for optional Extended Abstract Submission
July 5, 2016
Ice Breaker Reception
July 6-8, 2016
Technical Program
Short Courses
Date: 5 July
Price for each Short Course: 100€
Minimum required: 10 participants
If you would like to attend a Short Course, please send your request to
Lecturers: Amilcar Soares(CERENA, IST – Lisbon University), Leonardo Azevedo (CERENA,
IST – Lisbon University)
Course Description:
The cost of information in environmental studies – soil samples, drilling bore holes, well log data, air quality monitoring – usually results in a lack of data and consequently in loss of quality of the proposed models. The use of different data in a same modelling framework is one of the most important challenges in environmental geostatistics. This short course intends to give the most recent advances in geostatistical integration of different data in the same model of spatial or space-time characterization of main properties of a physical phenomema. Different spatial support soil samples, different types of data –electromagnetic survey and bore-hole data- for contaminated site characterization, data from deterministic models, remote sensing data with different spatial and spectral resolutions, are examples of data which can be integrated through inverse modeling or simulation with different support data. The topics will be illustrated with real case studies.
- Stochastic Simulation with different spatial support and uncertain data
- Different Spatial Support Data Integration for soil quality characterization.
- Integration of uncertain data for soil quality characterization.
- Inverse Models to integrate Geophysical Information.
- Electro-magnetic data integration for contaminated sites characterization.
- Seismic Inversion for subsurface geological and petrophysical properties modeling.
- Hybrid Models: Deterministic dispersion models and stochastic models for environmental applications
- Hybrid Models for air quality characterization in industrial areas.
- Hybrid Models for characterization of contaminated sediments in a coastal lagoon.
- Dynamic data integration and Uncertainty Assessment.
- Characterization of main properties of an aquifer by integrating the dynamic data.
Short bios
Amilcar Soares is a Full Professor Técnico/U.Lisboa. He is responsible for the Mining and Petroleum section of Civil and Georesources Department. He runs the Petroleum and Mining group of research center CERENA (Center of Natural Resources and Environment) with an extensive curriculum in applied research and project management. He has over 20 years of experience as consultant in mining industry. He has more than 100 publications.
Leonardo Azevedo is an assistant Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Georesources and a member of CERENA. He received is BS in Geological Engineering in 2007 and MS. on Marine Geology and Geophysics in 2009 both from U. Aveiro. Concluded his PhD in 2013 with the development of novel geostatistical methodologies for geophysical data integration into subsurface Earth modelling at Técnico (U. Lisboa) with collaboration with Stanford (US) and Heriot-Watt Universities (UK). Currently his main research interest are related with seismic reservoir characterization (geostatistical seismic inversion), data integration into hydrocarbon reservoir modeling and uncertainty assessment. His recent research was distinguished with one of the best presentation at the Society of Exploration Geophysicists Annual Meeting (2015).Leonardo’s research is focused in real problems from the industry and is developed in straight collaboration with the main national and international oil companies. He also has industry experience after three-short term contracts with Schlumberger, Repsol and CGG.
Lecturers: José António de Almeida (FCT – NOVA University of Lisbon), Sofia Barbosa (FCT – NOVA University of Lisbon); Ruben Nunes (CERENA, IST – Lisbon University)
The main objective of this course is to give an overview of the main geostatistical state-of-the-art concepts routinely applied in environmental sciences. The key topics covered will include:
Random variables. Characterization of the spatial structure of a variable. Experimental variograms and covariances. Variogram analysis. Anisotropy. Variogram modelling and theoretical functions. Linear estimation. Ordinary kriging. The kriging variance. Validation procedures. Underestimation and overestimation. The indicator approach.
Short Bios:
José António Almeida is Associate Professor of the Earth Sciences Department (FCT-UNL), and local Coordinator of the GeoBioTec.NOVA Research Centre. He has a degree in mining engineering and a PhD with specialization in oil reservoir characterization. His career began at the Technical University of Lisbon, where he was involved in research projects and company contracts concerning the characterization of oil fields, the evaluation of contaminants, and the assessment of mining reserves. In 2001 he joined FCT-UNL as Assistant Professor. Since then, he has developed and coordinated a number of research projects and contracts with companies and supervised MSc and PhD students. He has over 25 years experience in research and teaching, specializing in the areas of geological modelling and the characterization of resources. He has been at the forefront of innovative geostatistical models and applications and has published extensively in the form of scientific papers, congress proceedings, and book chapters. Much of his recent research has been concerned with the parallelization of algorithms, simulation, and object-based geological modelling.
Sofia Barbosa is Full-time Assistant Professor at NOVA (FCT-UNL) with more than 15 years of experience on old mine environmental rehabilitation and reclamation design and field works, characterization studies and monitoring. She is interested in groundwater modelling, hydrogeology of fractured rocks, geostatistics and geomathematical modelling. She holds a Master in Geological Resources and a PhD in Geological Engineer.
Ruben Nunes completed his Master in Georesources at Universidade Nova de Lisboa in 2008 . Currently he is a Phd Candidate of the Georesources Doctoral Programme at Instituto Superior Técnico. He is a Teaching Assistant in Oil and Gas, Geostatistics, and Reservoir Modelling courses. His work focuses on geostatistics and geophysical data integration for hydrocarbons reservoir characterization, but he has also worked with geostatistics for mining and environmental applications. Other research interests include high performance computing and machine learning in the geosciences.
Publication Policy
“The authors of accepted contributions are invited to submit an extended abstract for the conference proceedings and to specify if they would like their paper to be considered for a Special Issue in Mathematical Geosciences.
The deadline for both registration and extended abstract submission is May 15th.
Please note that for a contribution to be effectively included in the final program, at least one author should be registered by May 15th.”
Extended abstracts
The extended abstract is optional and should be written using the following Word or LaTeX templates. The length of the extended abstract should not exceed 6 pages.
To upload your extended abstract please use the link to softconf website you have received by email and visit the “revise submission” section. Do not forget to click on the submit button on the bottom of the page for your abstract/choice to be recorded.
Conference Proceedings
All the abstracts and extended abstracts will be electronically distributed to all participants during the conference.
Special Issues in journals
Mathematical Geosciences. Impact Factor (2014): 1.653
Guidelines & Submission
The abstract should contain enough information for it to be evaluated for its acceptance, with a maximum length of 500 words.
After acceptance, authors will have the possibility to submit an extended version of the accepted abstract,with no more than 6 pages, to be printed in the book of abstracts.
The authors should specify if they would like their paper to be considered for a Special Issue in Mathematical Geosciences.
Oral presentations
Each oral presentation is alloted a 15 minutes time slot, plus 5 minutes for questions and discussion. Please kindly check the program for the scheduled time of your presentation.
Please upload and check your presentation files directly in your session’s room. You should upload your files any day before or by 3 hours prior to your session of presentation at the latest.
You are required to bring your presentation in either PPT or PDF format to the conference on a USB stick. We strongly advise that, in case of unforeseen circumstances, you bring an extra copy of all presentation files, and ensure you also have a copy available from a suitable area on the internet that is generally accessible.
You are also advised to meet your session chair in the presentation room during the break before the beginning of your session.
The recommended poster size is portrait A0 (W 84.1cm × H 118.9cm).
Material to display the posters will be provided.
Registration fees
- Regular
- Student
Early Registration
--Until 30 April, 2016
- 430€
- 280€
- Register
Late Registration
--After 30 April, 2016
- 630€
- 430€
Registration includes:
• Conference Proceedings
• Attendance to all scientific sessions
• Coffee breaks, lunches and banquet
To ensure that your presentation is included in the final program and the conference proceedings, one of the authors must be registered by May 15th.
Terms and Conditions
Please note that registrations will be confirmed upon receipt of full payment of registration fee.
Once your payment has been identified and duly registered, you will receive an automatic email confirming your registration.
The following payment options are available via the online registration form:
• Bank transfer: all relevant bank details also e available on the registration form.
Remittance should be made to:
- Bank: Millennium BCP
- Bank address: Rua Actriz Palmira Bastos (Bairro Das Amendoeiras), 10 / 1950 – 004 Lisboa – Portugal
- In favour of: MOIMOI – Av. República da Bulgária, LT 15 – 8A / 1950-375 LISBOA – PORTUGAL
- VAT number: 509596576
- Account No.: 0000045405070568
- IBAN: PT50.0033.0000.45405070568.05
- Reference: NAME + GEOENV2016
Proof of payment should be sent to:
• Credit card: payment via secure online e-commerce gateway (VISA and Mastercard accepted).
• All cancellations and changes to registrations must be made in writing to e-mail:
The following registration cancellation policies apply:
• Written notice of registration cancellation by APRIL 15, 2016: 50% refund of the paid registration fee (less EUR 25 administration fee).
• No refund will be granted for registrations cancelled after this date.
• Reimbursements will be made after the conference.
• All costs and bank charges applied for payments and reimbursements of registration fees must be supported by the participant.
Meeting Venue
The conference will take place at Pavilhão do Conhecimento – Ciência Viva, a science museum. It is located in Parque das Nações, in the former grounds of the Expo 98 world exhibit, in Lisbon. This is a privileged place in Lisbon – it lies on a strip of land 5 km long by the river Tagus, a third part of which is made up of green spaces. This is a very special leisure area unique in Portugal, with a huge variety of hotels, restaurants, the Oceanário aquarium, shops and sports areas.
The Pavillion of Knowledge – Ciência Viva is easily accessible by subway, train or bus.
Pavilhão do Conhecimento – Ciência Viva
Alameda dos Oceanos, Lote 2.10.01
1990-223 Lisboa

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This is a country that has the oldest borders in Europe, with an exceptional range of different landscapes just a short distance away, leisure activities and a unique cultural heritage, where tradition and modernity blend together in perfect harmony. Its superb cuisine, fine wines and hospitable people make this a tourist paradise of the highest quality. Situated in the extreme south-west of Europe, just a few hours from any of the other European capitals, Portugal attracts visitors from all over the world.
Come and discover the charms of this country too.
Welcome to the sunniest European capital and to one of the most ancient cities of the world and, as you might guess, it has a very rich history.
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Lisbon always offers something special to its visitors and however many descriptions you have read, you will only know which Lisbon is yours once you have arrived here.
We will lend the climate, colors, gastronomy, history, diverse culture life and the breathtaking landscape in the surroundings to your visit.
Lisbon is a city of light. Combined with the almost constant presence of sunshine, the river Tagus transforms the Portuguese capital into a mirror of a thousand colors – reflecting the cultural richness of Portugal’s history in the city’s beauty and unique architecture.
Lisboa’s location, spread over seven low hills, overlooking the river Tejo, once lured traders and settlers, and continues to be a stunning site.
Add to that the cultural diversity, a pleasantly temperate climate all year-round and a people that by longstanding tradition offer visitors a warm welcome. Medieval Alfama is the charming and oldest part of the city with its maze-like streets, crowned by the impressive Castelo de São Jorge. The Baixa’s commercial avenues lies just below. The elegant Chiado shopping area climbs away up another hill, next to Bairro Alto, home of much of the Lisbon nightlife.
How to get at the Pavilhão do Conhecimento
Choose your transportation mean and check are the indications on how to get to Pavilhão do Conhecimento.
From Lisbon Airport (Portela) to Parque das Nações is a 10 minutes’ drive. Lisbon Airport is very close to the city centre – it is located 7km from the centre – and there are different alternatives to get there, namely by Metro to Aerobus, city bus Carris or by taxi. If you choose the metro to go from the airport straight to Parque das Nações, you have the red line (linha vermelha) and you should exit in Oriente station (3rd stop). It takes around 3 minuts and costs €1,40 plus €0,50 for the “viva viagem” rechargeable card.
Taxis allow you to arrive in Parque das Nações from any point in the city, but of course the tarif also increases according to the distance, traffic and day time. An airport- Parque das Nações trip is around 5 EUR. Taxis might charge a supplement of approx. 1,60€ for luggage and are more expensive on weekends and nights.
Taxis allow you to arrive in Parque das Nações from any point in the city, but of course the tarif also increases according to the distance, traffic and day time. An airport- Parque das Nações trip is around 5 EUR. Taxis might charge a supplement of approx. 1,60€ for luggage and are more expensive on weekends and nights.
For further information visit the Carris bus company website.
If you choose the metro to go from the airport straight to Parque das Nações, you have the red line (linha vermelha) and you should exit in Oriente station (3rd stop). It takes around 3 minuts and costs €1,40 plus €0,50 for the “viva viagem” rechargeable card.
Gare do Oriente Train Station. The Gare do Oriente is a major train, bus and metro station located in eastern Lisbon that provides travel connections to the whole of Portugal.
There is paid parking nearby.
Travel Official Carrier
TAP Portugal has agreed withMOIMOI Portugal inthe scope of the “11th geoENV 2016” to be held in Lisbon, Portugal, from the 5th to the 8th of July 2016, to offer a discount to the participants who make their flight booking and buy their ticket exclusively through TAP Portugal’s website.
The discounts offered are the following:
-10% in economy class
-20% in business class
The code IT16TPCG13 has been given to this event and must be mentioned when making the booking in order to benefit from the discount:
To make the booking, the participant should follow these steps:
– enter the website
– select flights and dates
– insert the event code in the Promotion/Congress Code Box, located on the left side of the webpage.

A block of rooms have been reserved at the following hotels, for the convenience of the GeoENV Conference participants and are to be assigned on first-come first-served basis.
Hotel rates are per room per night with breakfast included.
Please mark your hotel reservation on the congress registration form or contact the local organizers to help you with your accommodation:
Total prepayment of accommodation must be made no later than 2nd June, 2016. After this date, hotel accommodation will be on request. So, we advise you to reserve as soon as possible.
Payment of accommodation should be made in EUR by credit card or bank transfer.
If you need to cancel your hotel booking, please send a written request to:
Cancellations until 2nd June – full refund will be done, except for an administrative fee of 15€.
No refunds after this date. No show, no reimbursement.
Vip Executive Art's Hotel - 4****
Facilities: Air conditioning, wireless Internet access, cable TV, direct dial phone, double bed, individual safe, mini bar, and private WC. Non-smoking rooms.
Airport is just 4 km away.
Short distance from the Oriente Station, underground and bus.
Ibis Parque das Nações
SINGLE: 71,5€ DOUBLE: 77,5€
Facilities: Air conditioning, wireless Internet access, cable TV, direct dial phone, double bed, individual safe, mini bar, and private WC. Non-smoking rooms. Facilities for Disabled Guests.
Airport is just 4 km away.
Short distance from the Oriente Station, underground and bus.
Olissipo Parque das Nações 4****
SINGLE: 100€ DOUBLE: 110€
Facilities: Air conditioning, wireless Internet access, cable TV, direct dial phone, double bed, individual safe, mini bar, and private WC. Non-smoking rooms.
Airport is just 4 km away.
Short distance from the Oriente Station, underground and bus.
If you prefer to rent an apartment (one or more persons), you can visit the Feels Like Home – Apartments for Rent
Use COUPON CODE: moimoi
DISCOUNT 5% will be given to all GEOENV participants
Useful Information
Emergency Phone Number: 112
Electricity: 220 V, 50Hz. Power sockets follow European standards.
Language: English is the official language for the congress.
Weather: The temperature in Lisbon in late summer ranges from 15 to 25 °C. There is usually a lot of sunshine (about nine hours per day) and not much rain.
Sales Tax: Sales tax (VAT) is included in prices quoted. For non EU residents, tax free shopping schemes are available in many shops, which give substantial savings to visitors.
Time Zone: GMT/UTC +1 in Summer
Currency: Euro
Insurance: We recommend that you arrange your own travel insurance to cover medical expenses, cancellation and all other risks.
Exchange: Major credit cards are accepted in most hotels, shops and restaurants.
Visa requirements: Check visa requirements in due time before you leave. If you have any questions please ask your nearest Portuguese consulate.
Do you need a visa? Click here
Apply for a visa online Click here
Social Programme